Digital and Operating Model Transformation Ideas
Find resources and tips for leaders at the helm of Digital Transformation and Operating Model Transformation in product-led organizations.
5 Tips for Designing Nimble and Responsive Rapid-Growth Organizations
In this article, you’ll learn three common obstacles faced by rapid-growth organizations, along with five immediate action items for overcoming those obstacles (including the single most important mindset you need to embrace to make sure your org can flex with the future).
The Fallacy of Becoming a “Mature” Product Organization: Secrets From an Operating Model Expert
This article covers the hard truth that “mature” is a bit of a fallacy for product-led organizations. Learn why “sustaining” is actually what you’re after, the three key behaviors that must be prevalent in your organization to maintain success, and the KPIs and green flags that indicate forward momentum.
Tips for Technology Leaders on Operating Model Transformation Stakeholder Commitment
If you’re a tech leader tired of hearing the C-suite or business leaders refer to Product Operating Model Transformation purely as a technical initiative, this guide is for you. It will help you understand the “watch outs” and phrases that indicate resistance, how to respond in those instances, and shift mindsets around transformation so it’s understood as everyone’s job (not just tech’s).
Top Skills for Product Leaders in 2025: What’s New?
Does anybody else love using the new year as an excuse to book a retreat in the woods and plan for the year ahead (I do it annually)? As you participate in your own reflection and planning exercises this month, I encourage you to think about what will be required to thrive as a modern product leader in 2025. This article shares my POV on three areas to watch, along with the hard and soft skills you’ll need to cultivate to excel in product leadership this year.
3 Actionable Leadership Insights to Scale Your Organization More Gracefully
Running a team, an IT practice, or an entire organization can sometimes be a lonely job. As we close out our second year at Tuckpoint Advisory Group, I find myself reflecting on a journey marked by scaling pains and, at times, burnout and overwhelm. In that spirit, I’m sharing three actionable insights you can put into practice to scale more smoothly and navigate the sometimes lonely road of leadership.
The 4 Dimensions of Operating Model Maturity
Learn the four dimensions of Operating Model maturity so you know where to focus your efforts as you lead your organization into the future. You’ll also preview the five stages of maturity for helpful context as you create benchmarks for the work.
3 Critical Pillars of a Strong Product Strategy
Tuckpoint Founder Jen Swanson breaks down three key pillars of a strong product strategy and offers her advice on activating them so you can create a high-performing product organization fueled by teams that take the business where you want it to go.
The Path to a Modern Operating Model: Navigating Transformational Leadership in Uncertain Times
This year has ushered in some “anti-pattern” behaviors across many product-led organizations, including a natural tendency to default to what feels comfortable and familiar, like command-and-control leadership behaviors. In this article, you'll learn the "watch outs" for defaulting to old ways of working, and the importance and rewards of honing transformational leadership characteristics within your org.
The Biggest Wins, Misses, and Challenges for Product-Led Organizations in 2024
In this reflection piece, Tuckpoint founder Jen Swanson shares her insights on the Product Operating Model trends of 2024 that surprised her most, the challenges that created stagnancy in the industry, and the wins that make her hopeful for the year ahead.
Building a Mature Product-Led Operating Model: The 4 Stages of Digital Transformation
Learn about the four stages of Digital Transformation and identify the common transitions that stump teams and block momentum on the road to building a mature product-led operating model.
Outcomes vs Outputs: A Key Mindset Shift for High-Performing Product Organizations
An important characteristic of high-performing product organizations is the company-wide ability to focus on outcomes over outputs. This article will help you understand the importance of focusing on outcomes over outputs, with some initial steps and “watch outs” to follow as you cultivate this mindset across your transforming organization.
Change Leadership vs Change Management in Product-Led Organizations
When you’re transforming to a product-led organization, change management is futile without the necessary change leadership approach to drive the process. This article details the difference between change leadership and change management, along with the necessary mindset shifts every leader needs to make in order to support a successful transformation toward product-led ways of working.
How to Decentralize Decision-Making: Empowering Product Teams for Speed and Efficiency
In this article, you’ll learn about the benefits of decentralized decision making for product-led organizations, and how to activate empowered execution to establish a company culture of agility and ownership.
The Roadmap to Product-Led Success: Transforming Your Financial Model
In this article, you’ll learn why transforming your financial model is necessary to become a high-functioning product-led organization, as well as the mindset shifts required to unlock increased efficiency, flexibility, and long-term value creation.
Analytics: A Job for Product Managers or Product Ops?
A company's product development and delivery processes are only as good as the data that drives the decision-making behind it. But whose job should it be to wrangle all of the data – the individual Product Manager, or the Product Operations team? The answer helps teams do their jobs better, delivering products with the most value to the consumer and in the highest support of the organization’s goals.
The Characteristics of High-Performing Product Organizations
Organizations with healthy, mature, and thriving product management practices have many common characteristics that you can learn to cultivate within your organization. This article explores the traits of high-performing product organizations so that you can better assess where your organization currently stands and opportunities for closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be.
Why Good Governance is Essential to Digital Transformation
This article sheds light on the concept of governance in Digital Transformation and Operating Model Transformation, why it’s so important to get it right, and the small shifts you can start making today to improve your processes and see better results.
Trends Shaping the Future of Product Management
Here are some of the things Tuckpoint founder Jen Swanson is thinking about as we move into what we’re beginning to think of as the second wave of Digital Transformation, which focuses on operating models rather than on the technology we’re implementing.
Don't Project Manage Your Digital Transformation: Try A Roadmap Mindset For Better Results
No matter where you’re at in your Digital Transformation endeavors, breaking from a Project Management mindset can be really difficult. Today we’ll explore the reasons why a Project Management approach falls short in the context of Digital Transformation, and why a Roadmap mindset is key to paving the way for success.
What the Pandemic Taught Us About the Future of Digital Transformation: A Leadership Lesson
Many companies have started return-to-office initiates, mandated in-person attendance, and are shifting back to pre-pandemic norms. But is it the right play? Today’s article explores this misstep with specific regard to Digital Transformation and sheds light on the significant opportunity leaders have to reimagine the way teams work to build resilient structures that take them into the future.