Digital and Operating Model Transformation Ideas

Find resources and tips for leaders at the helm of Digital Transformation and Operating Model Transformation in product-led organizations.

Change Leadership vs Change Management in Product-Led Organizations

When you’re transforming to a product-led organization, change management is futile without the necessary change leadership approach to drive the process. This article details the difference between change leadership and change management, along with the necessary mindset shifts every leader needs to make in order to support a successful transformation toward product-led ways of working.

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Analytics: A Job for Product Managers or Product Ops?

A company's product development and delivery processes are only as good as the data that drives the decision-making behind it. But whose job should it be to wrangle all of the data – the individual Product Manager, or the Product Operations team? The answer helps teams do their jobs better, delivering products with the most value to the consumer and in the highest support of the organization’s goals.

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The Characteristics of High-Performing Product Organizations

Organizations with healthy, mature, and thriving product management practices have many common characteristics that you can learn to cultivate within your organization. This article explores the traits of high-performing product organizations so that you can better assess where your organization currently stands and opportunities for closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

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Trends Shaping the Future of Product Management

Here are some of the things Tuckpoint founder Jen Swanson is thinking about as we move into what we’re beginning to think of as the second wave of Digital Transformation, which focuses on operating models rather than on the technology we’re implementing.

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Don't Project Manage Your Digital Transformation: Try A Roadmap Mindset For Better Results

No matter where you’re at in your Digital Transformation endeavors, breaking from a Project Management mindset can be really difficult. Today we’ll explore the reasons why a Project Management approach falls short in the context of Digital Transformation, and why a Roadmap mindset is key to paving the way for success.

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Clear Signs Your Product Leader Needs Help ASAP

If you’re at the helm of a product-led organization, it’s important that you recognize the signs that your product leaders and managers need extra support. In this article, you’ll learn the external and internal triggers that threaten a product practice and, as a result, your product managers’ and leaders’ ability to create effective outcomes for the org. 

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My Favorite Digital Transformation Resources for Leaders

Feeling a little stuck, uninspired, or perplexed over your digital transformation efforts? Sometimes one light-bulb moment is enough to reignite the process, which is why we’ve compiled this list of our favorite digital-transformation resources for leaders.

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Where Does Product Management Sit and Why Does It Matter?

When you’re evolving to a product-led operating model, should the product function sit with business or technology? As someone who specializes in Operating Model Transformation, I can argue both sides because there are pros and cons to each, but before I reveal my pick, here’s a rundown of those considerations.

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Is Culture Blocking Your Transformation? Here Are 3 Evaluation Criteria to Find Out

Company culture is critical to digital transformation. Use these three evaluation criteria to examine the truth of your current company culture, find the existing nuggets that can actually be leveraged to your advantage, and understand the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Only then can you build a bridge between the two.

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Product Management Jen Swanson Product Management Jen Swanson

How I Really Feel About Product Systems (And Why I Changed My Mind About Product Operations)

Without the context of systems, people aren’t as effective at leading their own product teams or honing their craft because they’re adrift. Product Ops can help refine the details around discovery and design, and give much needed structure to this critical function. Learn more about this necessary component to any product practice.

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