Digital and Operating Model Transformation Ideas

Find resources and tips for leaders at the helm of Digital Transformation and Operating Model Transformation in product-led organizations.

Outcomes vs Outputs: A Key Mindset Shift for High-Performing Product Organizations

An important characteristic of high-performing product organizations is the company-wide ability to focus on outcomes over outputs. This article will help you understand the importance of focusing on outcomes over outputs, with some initial steps and “watch outs” to follow as you cultivate this mindset across your transforming organization.

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Change Leadership vs Change Management in Product-Led Organizations

When you’re transforming to a product-led organization, change management is futile without the necessary change leadership approach to drive the process. This article details the difference between change leadership and change management, along with the necessary mindset shifts every leader needs to make in order to support a successful transformation toward product-led ways of working.

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The Roadmap to Product-Led Success: Transforming Your Financial Model

In this article, you’ll learn why transforming your financial model is necessary to become a high-functioning product-led organization, as well as the mindset shifts required to unlock increased efficiency, flexibility, and long-term value creation.

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Trends Shaping the Future of Product Management

Here are some of the things Tuckpoint founder Jen Swanson is thinking about as we move into what we’re beginning to think of as the second wave of Digital Transformation, which focuses on operating models rather than on the technology we’re implementing.

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Don't Project Manage Your Digital Transformation: Try A Roadmap Mindset For Better Results

No matter where you’re at in your Digital Transformation endeavors, breaking from a Project Management mindset can be really difficult. Today we’ll explore the reasons why a Project Management approach falls short in the context of Digital Transformation, and why a Roadmap mindset is key to paving the way for success.

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Digital Transformation, Leadership Jen Swanson Digital Transformation, Leadership Jen Swanson

What the Pandemic Taught Us About the Future of Digital Transformation: A Leadership Lesson

Many companies have started return-to-office initiates, mandated in-person attendance, and are shifting back to pre-pandemic norms. But is it the right play? Today’s article explores this misstep with specific regard to Digital Transformation and sheds light on the significant opportunity leaders have to reimagine the way teams work to build resilient structures that take them into the future.

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Digital Transformation Brent Swanson Digital Transformation Brent Swanson

Land a Coaching One-Two Punch for a Knockout Transformation

When it comes to digital transformation, many organizations try implementing Agile and Product sequentially, doing one first then following up with the other. In either of these approaches, something is missing from the landing. Today's article shares a proven technique for layering in Product and Agile coaching to make digital transformation efforts significantly more effective.

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Clear Signs Your Product Leader Needs Help ASAP

If you’re at the helm of a product-led organization, it’s important that you recognize the signs that your product leaders and managers need extra support. In this article, you’ll learn the external and internal triggers that threaten a product practice and, as a result, your product managers’ and leaders’ ability to create effective outcomes for the org. 

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5 Transformational Leadership Characteristics to Look For in Your Next Hire

It’s critical to hire talent with transformational leadership characteristics. But how do you ensure your candidates embody the qualities that actually push transformation forward? And what kinds of questions reveal the skills that aren’t easily bulleted on a resume? Here we explore five transformational leadership characteristics to look for in your next hire, why they’re so critical to success, and how to uncover those qualities during the interview process.

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Talent Management for Digital Transformation Part III: Addressing Resistance to Change

In the final installment of this series on talent management for digital transformation, we’ll explore the root cause of change resistance, why organizations must address it, and three key elements of successful change-agility frameworks.

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My Favorite Digital Transformation Resources for Leaders

Feeling a little stuck, uninspired, or perplexed over your digital transformation efforts? Sometimes one light-bulb moment is enough to reignite the process, which is why we’ve compiled this list of our favorite digital-transformation resources for leaders.

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What’s the Difference Between Digital Transformation, Business Model Transformation, and Operating Model Transformation?

The terms Digital Transformation, Business Model Transformation, and Operating Model Transformation are often used interchangeably, but in reality they each represent distinct yet interconnected concepts that are pivotal drivers of change in growing organizations. Here, I define each term and reveal why it's rare – even impossible – to take on any one of these without the others.

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